Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Get up early: Make a habit

Many people are never the first person in their families to wake up in the morning. Whatever could be the occasion whether it is exam or some meeting or normal office timings, they find it hard to be on time due to this. Some give excuses of late night studies and others blame heavy traffic jam for their late appearance. But it is always good to be on time or prior to time on the destination. Many of those people try to wake up early next morning. However nothing helps in that. Morning alarm also does not make any good achievements in this. Following are few techniques which could make anyone a Good Morning Person. These points help me a lot. Now I am writing them here. You are reading this, that means you also wish to be a good morning person. Hope any of these points help you to be a morning person and next time whenever you have any exam or meeting, you never get late. 

How to Start: Anything in this world does not successfully complete without planning. Following are start points to be a morning person: 
  1. Set Goals 
  2. Create Plan 
  3. Execute Plan 
  4. Evaluate Plan 
  5. Update if needed and execute again 

1. Set Goals: First of all you need to set your goal. Your goal could be anything. It could be your A+ grade in exams, your family, your health or anything else. This is the point to decide your goal. And then summarize your goal in picture/poster. And fix that on front wall (or near your bed/pillow at least) so that you could see that every morning when you open your eye. It could be anything, your family photograph, your favorite actor/actress etc. For example if you are skinny and doing this to join some gym to get a good health then I will suggest you to get a poster of your favorite and good looking actor will help you a lot. But keep your goals easy and achievable. If you put Arnold Schwarzenegger poster on your wall then it is a real tough and very big goal (achievable but very hard). 

2. Create Plans: After setting your goal, you need to create plan for your goal. This is the point where you have to decide how you are going to achieve your goal.

  1. If you are a night owl on Facebook/Twitter/WhatsApp, then they are making it hard for you to be a morning person. These applications are to ease your life, don't let these apps spoil your mornings. Use these apps in positive ways. Shout on your Facebook wall that you are going to get up early next morning at 5:00 AM. Your friends may laugh at your initially, but they will also help you achieving your goal. All you need is to take their every comment/taunt/feedback in positive way. Tell your friends that you will go to bed early tonight to get up early. They will surly ask you next day about progress. Achieve it and loud about it. 

3. Execute Plan: Now its the time to achieve your goal. Try this:
  1. Set Two Alarms: Most of us set an alarm for morning. I would suggest them to set two alarms. First one for night (like 11:00 PM). And make sure that you are in bed when that alarm rings. And second alarm for morning. This will help you get up.
  2. Put Alarm Clock Far Away: Put you alarm clock far away from your bed (but near enough to break your sleep). So that you have to get up to close your alarm. If possible put alarm near your goal poster. So that you could see your goal while stopping your alarm.

4. Evaluate Plan: After a period of one week, analyze your goal, plan and success. If you do not find much success then, mark all the week points affecting your plan.

5. Update: If you find any week points in your evolution, then its time to your plan. Update your plan to overcome your week points. Week points will vary person to person. So its not possible to mention all the possible week points here. Do mention your week points in comments. I'll surly get back to you with customized and updated plan.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015